Caesarean Awareness Month 2021 (another birth story)

April is Caesarean Awareness Month and as my contribution I wanted to share the birth story of my baby girl. I love birth stories and this time around I attempted a VBAC which resulted in an emergency caesarean. I have also included my experience with the recovery from both the physical and mental aspects. A caesarean sometimes receives negativity, but the simple fact is, sometimes babies and Mothers can die without them.

This is a positive birth story, with a happy ending!

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Book Week 2020 – Our Favourite Books

Traditionally, Book Week in Australia is held in August but thanks to covid19 it has been moved to October 17th – 23rd this year. Well in my area of Australia anyway. The last couple of years I have made a list of books that my child has enjoyed reading over the past year (so this year they are suitable for 3.5 – 4.5 year old children but may also suit other age groups). I will link previous posts at the end. Continue reading

Should I choose a C-section or a VBAC?

I was 14 weeks along at my first antenatal appointment when the midwife first asked the question “Have you given any thought as to how you want to birth this baby?” Well, no. I was still in the midst of morning sickness and all day nausea. I was just trying to make it through each week.

And then, when I did start to think about it, I realised that the thought of giving birth, either by c-section or VBAC, kind of terrified me slightly. The possible complications that could arise either way. The unknowns. The lack of control. What if something goes terribly wrong and I will forever wish I chose the other option? Continue reading

Melbourne recommendations for your first family visit!

Last year we ventured to Melbourne to catch up with friends and explore the city. It was the first time we had been as a family and our child was aged two and a half years old at the time. We had four full days there to explore with a travel day either side. Here is what we got up to….. Continue reading

Book Week 2019 – Our Favourite Books

Happy Book Week Australia! Last year I wrote a post detailing some of our favourite books that we have read from the ages of birth up to two and a half years. This post will be our favourite books from the past year, since last Book Week. As always, reading is one of the most important things you can do for your children to develop their language and reading skills. Continue reading

What makes the Botanic Gardens a good choice for families?

If you are lucky enough to live near any botanic gardens (or other wonderful parks) in your area then you may already be aware of what a good choice they can be to visit. But if you don’t, you might want to consider adding a visit to one on your next holiday. Here you’ll find some reasons why they are great to visit and some suggestions on where to go. Continue reading

Dear Mr Garbage Truck Driver

This is an appreciation post for the everyday people that we don’t really know but who have a positive impact on our children in various ways. Once we are adults we sometimes get so busy rushing around and making sure that everything is taken care of that we forget just how much the little moments impact on our little ones lives. In this case, it is our local garbage truck driver who we now look forward to seeing every week. Please have a read and then share your stories with me in the comments. Thank you! Continue reading

Caesarean Awareness Month 2019 – My Story

For those that don’t know my child was born via an emergency caesarean. And yes, I say born because it still counts despite what some crazy people rant about on the internet. In the spirit of April being “Caesarean Awareness Month” I thought I’d draw attention to it by sharing some of my birth story and personal experience of dealing with having a c-section. Continue reading