Starting Childcare: Your Four Main Questions Answered

A lot of families start their childcare journey around the start of the year. The majority of questions I am asked about starting childcare fall under four main questions. What do I do first? What does a childcare centre offer? How can I make it easier on my child? What should I expect on their first day? I have provided general answers (as each place and circumstance can differ) to those questions for you. Continue reading

2018: Year in Review

It’s always good to reflect on the year that has just gone. Isn’t it? It helps me process, take stock and move forward with the year ahead. I’m going to do a short review here under categories for those of you that are interested. I usually go much deeper and link to goals when doing this for my personal records but for online I’ll keep it simple. I’ll also touch on what is in store for 2019. Continue reading

The “Back to Work” Question

I originally wrote about this on my old blog when my baby was close to six months old. Even though I had mostly planned to take a year off from work and financially we were still on track for that, it was the six month mark that was really triggering that question – the “when do I go back to work” question. Now that my son is two I still find myself constantly wondering if our situation is right. I went back after he turned one and once he turned two an opportunity had come my way and I increased my hours. Still part time but it still felt like a huge jump. Therefore I thought I’d revisit the question and rewrite my experience for you here. Continue reading